Items where Year is 2019

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Number of items: 12.


Basuki, Yudi and Hidayati, Yeni Nurmala (2019) Kahoot! or Quizizz: the Students’ Perspectives. In: Proceedings of the 3rd English Language and Literature International Conference, ELLiC, 27th April 2019, Semarang, Indonesia, Semarang, Indonesia.


Kusumastuti, Endah and Puspitasari, Yeni and Putra, Feri Anang (2019) Penyuluhan dan screening Hubungan Tingkat Stres Terhadap Stomatitis Apthosa Rekuren pada Siswa Kelas XII SMAN 7 Kota Kediri. In: Sinergitas Perguruan Tinggi dan Masyarakat Menghasilkan Lingkungan Sehat dan Tangguh.


Mulyati, Tri Ana and Pujiono, Fery Eko (2019) Uji Drug Loading Ibuprofen Pada Material UiO-66 (Zr-Metal Organic Framework). Jurnal Kimia Riset, 4 (2). pp. 161-169. ISSN 2528-0422


Prihardini, Prihardini and Basuki, Dewi Resty (2019) Uji Aktivitas Antianemia Ekstrak Etanol Dan Perasan Rimpang Kunyit (Curcuma Longa Linn.) Ditinjau Dari Peningkatan Kadar Haemoglobin dan Eritrosit Pada Tikus Galur Wistar Dengan Pengindukasi Nano2 Secara In Vivo. Jurnal Wiyata: Penelitian Sains dan Kesehatan, 6 (2). pp. 117-127. ISSN 2442-6555

Pujiono, Fery Eko and Mulyati, Tri Ana (2019) Synthesis and Characterization of UiO-66 as a Paracetamol Absorption Material. Al-Kimia, 7 (2). pp. 189-197. ISSN 2302-2736

Pujiono, Fery Eko and Mulyati, Tri Ana and Fizakia, Mifta Nor (2019) Modification of Activated Carbon with Titanium Dioxide as a Water Treatment Material. Journal of Public Health in Africa, 10 (S1). pp. 37-40. ISSN 2038-9922

Putri, Ellatyas Rahmawati Tejo and Nita, Elin Soya (2019) Persepsi Mahasiswa D3 Kebidanan IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri dalam Menulis Laporan Tugas Akhir (LTA) dengan Pendekatan Continuity Of Care (COC). Journal for Quality in Women's Health, 2 (1). pp. 19-25. ISSN 2615-6644


Restyana, Anggi and Ihtiramidina, Utrujjah and Kristianingsih, Ida (2019) Formulasi dan Uji Antibakteri Topikal Mikroemulsi Ekstrak Biji Pepaya (Carica Papaya L.) Pada Bakteri Staphylococcus Aureus. Jurnal Wiyata, 6 (2). pp. 73-79. ISSN 2442-6555

Riyaniarti Estri Wuryandari, MM and Widodo, Widodo and Widjajanto, E and Rifa’i, M (2019) The effect of Moringa oleifera Lam leaf extract fermented by Lactobacillus plantarum on the expression of B220 + and CD11b + cells in mice infected with Salmonella typhi. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 391 (1). 012035. ISSN 1755-1307


Wiyono, Anang Setyo and Mustofani, Dian (2019) Efektivitas Gel Ekstrak Kasar Bromelin Kulit Nanas (Ananus comosus L. Merr) Hasil Optimasi Formula Pada Tikus Yang Dibuat Luka Memar. As-Syifaa Jurnal Farmasi, 11 (2). ISSN 2502-9444

Wulandari, Umianita Risca and Khalifatunnisak, Alfadefi (2019) Faktor Lingkungan dan Genetik penyebab Kejadian Overweight pada Balita Usia 3-5 Tahun di Kota Kediri. Journal for Quality in Women's Health, 2 (2). pp. 55-58. ISSN 2615-6660

Wuryandari, MM Riyaniarti Estri and Widodo, Widodo and Widjajanto, Edi and Rifa’i, Muhaimin (2019) Activity Red Moringa oleifera Leaf Extract As a Preventive Measure on the Profile of CD4+CD62L+and CD8+CD62L+Cells in BABL/c Mice Injected Salmonella typhimurium. KnE Social Sciences. ISSN 2518-668X

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